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Glenn Callaghan

Callaghan has a background in Federal Law Enforcement and Vocational Training, and has always had a creative itch that needed to be scratched.  As a teenager he wanted to do something in the creative arts but followed the traditions of the day and put his artistic urges on hold.

Thirty five years later, at the age of fifty, he took up the brushes seriously for the first time.  His work has been collected internationally and has been exhibited in small country galleries. His work is now showing at his studio gallery in Hawks Nest NSW. Callaghan has had no formal art training.




I start a new work by putting down on canvas my thoughts and emotions but you, the viewer, see your own images, feel your emotions, interpret things differently to others and create something entirely different from the first stroke I laid down.

You become the artist and so...The Paint Never Dries.

I see my work as an attempt to use colour, texture, and form to create a visually stimulating image.

Natural processes like erosion, rust, and other things in nature that leave distinct patterns, draw me to try and recreate those patterns in my work.

My art is not an excuse to present overly-complex theories or ideas. The goal of my work is to utilize various colour harmonies and surface textures to visually engage the viewer.

This also provides me with the means to experiment with spontaneity and chance. I believe that a painting is not made with theory alone, the materials are the vital component.

I draw inspiration from artists Wassily Kandinsky, Gerhard Richter, and Jackson Pollock.

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